Snapshot Limited Series

Each one is a Snapshot of a SPECIAL place and people, and it’s only available in LIMITED runs!  These coffees are sourced for superior quality, flavor, and sustainability in small quantities; highlighting specific growing conditions, specialized techniques, and singular coffee varietals from farmers spanning the globe!


Sigri Plantation, Wahgi Valley, Papua New Guinea
Layered & refined chocolaty sweetness with a silky smooth body.


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The details...


Layered and refined chocolaty sweetness with a silky smooth body.


Dark (Full City +)


Origin:  Sigri Plantation, Wahgi Valley, PNG

Elevation: 1550 masl

Process:  Washed/Sun-Dried


Sigri cultivates Arabica varieties originating from the well-known Jamaican Blue Mountain rootstock that was cultivated on Blue Mountain Estate in the 1930s. Jamaican Blue Mountain is prized for it’s flavor and aroma.

The Sigri estate is located on the fertile land of PNG’s Waghi Valley. The Waghi River runs across the valley and offers many benefits to the Jiwaka people, who live on the land. The land’s volcanic soil is nutrient-rich and very fertile and many of the Jiwaka people farm tea and coffee as cash crops.

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a relative newcomer to the specialty coffee scene. The remote locations of the nation’s smallholders—who produce 85% of total coffee in the country—combined with historically-poor infrastructure has made this transition difficult in the past. Nonetheless, the country is working towards innovative solutions leading to improved livelihoods for the nation’s smallholder coffee growers.


10 oz

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